Friday, July 16, 2010

50 Fun Ideas For Your Kids To Do This Summer - Day 15


Day 15 - Obstacle Course

I mention something similar to this in the Backyard Olympics, but how about setting up a backyard obstacle course for your children (& children's friends). Here are some ideas for setting up the obstacle course:

Use hula hoops to place on the ground like tires

Set up an air mattress for the children to climb over

Use big boxes for the children to climb through

Set up a balance been (not to high, a couple of inches)

Balloon Table: Kids shinny under a table hidden inside a ground-hugging cloud of balloons. Dangling from yarn taped to all sides of the table, the balloons wobble and bump as kids pass through.

Rope Swing: Hang a tight rope that is knotted. Fill a small pool with balloons/water etc. Then have the children run, grab the rope and swing over the pool.

Stand colorful foam pool noodles in gallon buckets weighted with sand (or soil or stones) and set up in a zigzag pattern. Fill a wagon with small water balloons. Kids must pull the wagon around the outside of each bucket without spilling any balloons.

Throw a ball into a basket.

Don't forget to have your stopwatch ready...and have fun!!

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Stacia said...

Where did you get or how did you make the stands for the hula hoops?

llarafernandes said...

I would like to know the same thing. Thank you!



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